Sorry, yes, I am still alive! Trying to do too much in too little time...
Here's a quick cat post to keep you all entertained until I get around to telling you about the library book I've nearly finished reading.
Last week a friend gave me this very sweet knitted xmas fairy to put on my tree, which I'm dead chuffed with. The tree isn't up yet so she's been sitting on my sofa, and soon after I first got her home her pink fluffy halo fell off and had to be stitched back on.
The SECOND time I found her halo had come off I started to get a bit suspicious, and sure enough every time I moved it off the floor and turned my back again I'd mysteriously find it back on the bean bag that the cat likes to sit on.
It seems she has adopted it and plans to raise it as her own, and I'm going to have to find another halo for the fairy to stop my tree being toppled by a love-struck cat.
I can't even tell where the halo ends and the cat begins in this one...
Deleted comment above was stupid SPAM. If this problem gets serious I'll have to start moderating comments, which I know is a hassle but is better than having loads of junk on here.
I'd like a fairy for the top of our tree. Here in Canada I can only find angels and stars. When I was a kid most trees were topped with a kewpie doll fairy from Woolworths. She had cardboard wings and was attached to the tree with an elastic band. Your knitted fairy is excellent. What a nice present.
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